Convent church built during the 14th century, with a Renaissance facade and a ‘300 Gothic gate.

This ‘300 church preserves the solemnity of the internal despite the further restorations.
In its interior, masterpieces by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Cima da Conegliano and Lorenzo Lotto, such as the altarpieces, ‘700 statues and a bronze low relief by the Donatello’s school.


Useful information:

Opening time

from Monday to Saturday, 2.30 pm - 5.30 pm


free entrance 

Turism office:
e-mail: / Tel: +39 041 520 5921


For any further information, please check on website:


Address: Dorsoduro, 2617 - Campo dei Carmini cap 30123 - Venezia
How to get there: water-bus, stop "Ca' Rezzonico" or "S. Basilio"







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