In Venice, there is an unspecified number of churches and bell towers that tell a piece of the city's history and art.

In this section, the most important churches of Venice are described, each with its own page containing historical, artistic, and cultural information.
You will also find advice and information on opening hours, prices, and contacts to facilitate your visit.



Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli Venezia

The Church of Santi Apostoli di Cristo, usually called “dei Santi Apostoli” is in Cannaregio district, in the namesake square, at the beginning of Strada Nuova.

Interni Chiesa della Pietà

The Church of Pietà was built on the XV century and rebuilt between 1745 and 1760 by Giorgio Massari (1687-1766), but the classical façade was added only in 1906. In its interior, there are frescos by Gianbattista Tiepolo, such as the gorgeous one on the ceiling Triumph of Faith (1755).

Chiesa dei Gesuati Venezia

In Zattere district, the ‘700 church by Giorgio Masari overlooks the Giudecca Canal with a great spectacular effect. In its interior, there are Tiepolo’s works, rococo sculptures and a gorgeous altarpiece by Piazzetta.

Basilica della Salute Venezia

Masterpiece of Venetian baroque architecture, the church was built under the projct of Baldassarre Longhena (1631-81), who was chosen from the Council among the eleven project presented. The Church was built as a votive offering for the city's deliverance from the pestilence in 1630. Inside we can find works by Tiziano and Tintoretto.

Chiesa del Redentore

Considered one of the religious architectural masterpiece of Andrea Palladio, the church was commissioned by the Council of the Republic in 1577 as a votive temple sanctify by The Redeemer for having stopped the plague in 1576.

Chiesa delle Zitelle

The Church of Zitelle dates to 1581-1588. According to some sources, the original design of the church is to be attributed to Andrea Palladio and even with lack of documental proof, this attribution could be stylistically validate.
