Venice is one of Italy's most visited cities, renowned for its wealth of artistic and historical treasures. These treasures are not only found in its ancient palaces and monuments scattered throughout the city but are especially preserved within its museums. In this section, we highlight the main museums of Venice, each accompanied by an informative guide to help you navigate the Venetian museum landscape, encompassing both public and private, ancient and modern collections.
Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Museum of the 20th century European and American art includes the personal collection of the 20th century of Peggy Guggenheim. It is located in the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, an unfinished building on the Grand Canal. For 30 years it has been the home of the American heiress.

Galleria dei Cetacei Museo Storia Naturale Venezia

The Natural History Museum is in the Fontego dei Turchi, one of the most well-known civil buildings overlooking the Grand Canal. It houses many naturalistic and ethnographic collections, a study center on Venice lagoon and a well equipped library.

Museo Storico Navale Venezia

Establish after the 1st World War in 1919, the Naval History Museum is located in Campo S. Biagio, next to the Old Arsenal of Venice, in a building which was a granary of to the Serenissima Republic and is still under the jurisdiction of the Italian Navy. This museum is the most important of its kind in Italy.

Sala Museo Palazzo Fortuny Venezia

The museum is inside the namesake Gothic Palace, located in Campo San Beneto. Belonged to the Pesaro family, it was then bought by Mariano Fortuny to house hisatelier for photography, scenic design, fabric creation, paintings. The building kept the same structure, tapestries and collection it once had.


Galleria Giorgio Franchetti Ca' D'Oro

Located inside the Ca’ D’Oro, the most beautiful Gothic palace overlooking the Grand Canal, the Giorgio Franchetti Gallery gathers up sculptures, bronzes, pottery, furniture and paintings of the Tuscan, Flemish and Venetian school by MantegnaGiorgione and Tiziano from the Fondaco dei Tedeschi.

Gallerie dell'Accademia Venezia

The painting exposition inside the Accademia Galleries is the most important collection of Venetian painting from the XIV to the XVIII century.
