It is the smallest district, it distinguish itself for the dense number of “casa e bottega” which means houses and shops in the same buildings. In San Polo, there is a Venetian vocation of old and noble ancestry: the pleasure of good eating. The taste for food here is common and venerated, in its simpler and popular expression too: here there are the majority of taverns and “bàcari” (old pubs) in which it is possible to find typical Venetian dishes and taste the renowned “cichetti”, small snacks or side dishes.

Basilic of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Church of San Giovanni Elemosinario
Church of San Polo (Paolo Apostolo)
San Giacometto (Giacomo di Rialto)

Points of interest
Rialto Bridge
Scuola Grande di San Rocco
Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista

House of Carlo Goldoni

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