The Bàuta or Bautta is the most simple and common mask in Venice.

A black cloack, mask and a hat are the elements characterizing the mask itself: the black cloak to hide clothes, the lace on the base of the mask and the cocked hat to hide the face.

The Bàuta among the other masks promised a complete anonymity. The person hiding behind the cloak could not be recognized, whether if it was a woman or a man, poor or rich.

It was a synonym of complete freedom of speech. For this reason, when meeting one on the street, it was common use to bow as a sign of respect.


{mosimage}The Moreta or Moretta, as the name tells, is the black mask wore by women.

It was very particular, since it has to be held up by keeping a small button in the mouth.

Men liked it so much, since it gave the female figure a mysterious charm given by the silence.


{mosimage}The mattacino is a kind of clown with a white or multicolor dress, very light and short, with a plumed hat.
The mattacini were very famous in Venice for the throw of "ovi profumai" (perfumed eggs) that they threw with the slings.
This custom was so popular that, a real market was born around these characters: there were thousands of pitchmen selling these perfumed eggs that were then thrown towards balconies of friends, acquaintances and in love maidens.

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