Have you decided to spend a day in Venice but don't feel like visiting the usual overcrowded spots?

If you are looking for an alternative route but only have one day to explore the beautiful Venice, we have created this itinerary that will allow you to explore some of the most picturesque and fascinating places in the city, as well as magnificent palaces and views of the lagoon.

Start at Piazza San Marco. From there, head towards Bacino Orseolo, where you can see the traditional gondolas up close, and continue to Campo San Luca. A few steps away is Campo Manin. Hidden among the adjacent alleys is one of Venice's architectural gems and the first stop on the route we suggest:

1. The "Scala Contarini del Bovolo"

Commissioned by Pietro Contarini around the late 1400s, the Scala del Bovolo is a mix of Gothic, Renaissance, and Byzantine styles. It is said to have been built without a specific functional purpose but solely to meet the owner's desire for power and to increase the family's popularity. The staircase has never gone unnoticed, earning the family the nickname "Contarini del Bovolo," due to the spiral shape (bovolo, in Venetian) of the staircase.
At the top of the staircase, you will find a beautiful circular panoramic terrace with a splendid view of San Marco. Among the rooftops, the imposing Campanile and the five unmistakable domes of the Basilica stand out.

The Scala del Bovolo is open to visitors every day from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM and from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at a cost of 8.00 euros. For more information, visit the website:https://www.gioiellinascostidivenezia.it/.




A few steps away you will find:

2. "La Fenice" Theatre

World-renowned for its opera concerts, Teatro La Fenice is the main opera house in Venice. In the 19th century, it saw the performance of great operas by composers like Rossini and Verdi. It remained very active in the 20th century with numerous shows and world premieres.

We highly recommend taking a tour inside: you will be captivated by the beautiful stuccoes and gold decorations of the halls. The Foyer, the Main Theatre Hall, and the Apollonian Halls will welcome you in all their splendor. The theatre is open for visits every day from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM, with some exceptions. You can check https://www.teatrolafenice.it/ to stay updated on events, hours, and initiatives.


Continuing towards Fondamenta Fenice and taking Campiello Santa Maria Zobenigo, you will come across a beautiful church with an imposing Gothic-style façade:

3. Church of "Santa Maria del Giglio"

Also known as Santa Maria Zobenigo, the church dates back to the 10th century and is a small Baroque gem with statues and bas-reliefs interspersed with Corinthian and Ionic columns, dedicated to the celebration of the Barbaro family. For this reason, it was described as a manifestation of atheism by writer John Ruskin. Inside the church, you can admire the only painting by Rubens preserved in Venice. The church is part of the Chorus Circuit and is open for visits from Monday to Saturday from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM (for more info: https://chorusvenezia.org/).

Continuing in the same direction, you will reach the Giglio gondola station. Here you can take a gondola ferry to cross the Grand Canal. Even for just a few minutes, you can experience the thrill of sailing aboard a traditional gondola and enjoy a privileged view of the "most beautiful street in the world."


This special gondola will lead you to the next attraction:

4. "Santa Maria della Salute" Basilica

The Basilica, built as a thanksgiving to the Madonna for liberation from the plague of 1630, is one of the most important churches in Venice, designed by Baldassarre Longhena. To this day, every year on November 21, the city honors the Madonna with a pilgrimage to the Basilica. Located at the entrance of the Grand Canal, it stands imposing and majestic, offering unique photo opportunities. It is open for visits from Monday to Sunday from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM and from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM, with guided tours available. (For reservations, prices, and tickets, visit the website: https://basilicasalutevenezia.it/)


From here, you can continue your journey and head towards Ca’ Venier dei Leoni, a palace known for housing one of the most important modern art collections in Venice:

5. Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Passing through Fondamenta Venier, you can admire the garden of the palace through elaborate wrought-iron gates. However, art lovers cannot miss the chance to stop for a brief visit to the collection. Among the works, you will find paintings by Magritte, Kandinsky, Picasso, Pollock, and many other 20th-century artists. The collection is housed in a unique environment, complete with a beautiful garden featuring sculptures and a stunning view of the Grand Canal. The collection is open every day except Tuesday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. (Visit the website: https://www.guggenheim-venice.it/it/ for more information)




For enthusiasts of more classical art, we recommend continuing towards the Accademia, where you can visit a rich collection of Venetian paintings, from Renaissance artists to 18th-century vedutisti (view painters):

6. The "Gallerie dell’Accademia"

It is one of the most important museums in Italy, housing works by artists such as Tiepolo, Titian, Bellini, Carpaccio, and Tintoretto. The structure itself is also a significant architectural work, encompassing three complexes: the Church of Santa Maria della Carità, the Convent of the Lateran Canons, and the Scuola Grande della Carità. The Gallerie are open on Mondays from 8:15 AM to 2:00 PM and from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:15 AM to 7:15 PM. (For information and tickets, visit the website: https://www.gallerieaccademia.it/)


At this point, after a demanding day of sightseeing, we also thought of a pleasant break. You can enjoy a delicious Venetian aperitivo in a characteristic bacaro not far from the Accademia. Heading towards the Zattere, opposite the Squero San Trovaso, you will find the Osteria Al Squero, where you can relax with a spritz and some typical cicchetti while observing one of the few remaining functioning squeri.




To end the itinerary in style and rest after an intense day of walking, we recommend heading back towards the Grand Canal and taking vaporetto line 1 (the nearest stops are Accademia and Ca’ Rezzonico). You will travel almost the entire length of the canal, admiring the beautiful palaces that line its banks, until you reach the Stazione or Piazzale Roma, relaxing and enjoying the enchanting lights of the evening.

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