Venezia, Carlo Goldoni’s house


On display for the first time at the Carlo Goldoni House Museum will be a selection of the precious marionettes conserved and exhibited at the Museo Civico d’Arte Industriale – Palazzo Davia Bargellini in Bologna. This marks a consolidation of the rapport that already exists between the two museums, since both are custodians of a similar Venetian-made heritage. The exhibition of marionettes fosters an appreciation of unique examples of their kind, whose state of conservation will rekindle echoes of past performances, emphasising their educational and social value. A part of Carlo Goldoni House Museum’s own historical collection of marionettes will also remain on show for visitors to examine and admire the care and wealth of intricate details that went into the creation of these agile, multi-jointed puppets, which were a common source of theatrical entertainment in Venetian noble residences. The Venetian puppets will be joined by a selection from the collection held by Museo Civico d’Arte Industriale – Palazzo Davia Bargellini, which comprises 74 puppets, nine horses and a monkey, purchased in 1922. A nucleus that includes five sets of scenery, undoubtedly linked to Bologna and Bibbiena, whose façades bear the coat of arms of the Albicini family from Forlì.



Opening hours
12 pm – 5 pm (ticket office 12 pm – 4.30 pm) Closed on Wednesdays, December 25th, January 1st, May 1st

Full price Ticket: 5,00 euro 

Reduced price Ticket: 3,50 euro * Children aged from 6 to 14; students aged from 15 to 25; visitors over 65; holders of the Venice Rolling Card; holders of ISIC – International Student Identity Card. 

Free entrance: * Venetian citizens and residents; children aged from 0 to 5; disabled people with helper; tourist guides enabled in Italy accompanying groups or individual visitors; for groups of at least 15 people, 1 free entrance (only with prior booking); accompanying teachers of school groups (up to 2 teachers per group); ICOM members; MUVE ordinary partners; MUVE Friend Card holders; holders of Art Pass Venice Foundation and Fondazione Venetian Heritage; members of “Amici dei Musei e Monumenti Veneziani”.


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