With its lagoon landscape on the edge of reality, the calli and rii offering wonderful views, the gondolas and gondoliers with their serenades, Venice has been considered one of the most romantic cities in the world for centuries, chosen by thousands for romantic getaways or true honeymoons. After all, who can blame those who choose the magical atmosphere of Venice as the backdrop for the most beautiful declarations of love to their soulmate?

And, if you are planning to open your heart to your beloved one, note these eight incredible things to do in Venice, and, we can assure, He or She will be enchanted and yours forever.

1. Stroll at sunset along the Fondamenta Zattere

A sunset walk hand in hand is a classic for couples in love. But the moment takes on an even more magical flavor if you walk along the Fondamenta Zattere, in the south of the city of Venice. This is a long "street" filled with little restaurants and hotels, overlooking the Giudecca Canal. To complete the walk, we recommend stopping by the Nico ice cream shop, known throughout the city for its phenomenal gianduiotto ice cream that satisfies even the most discerning and less indulgent palates. In short, Fondamenta Zattere is a fantastic place at any time of day, but when the sky turns red, it becomes the perfect place for an intense kiss gazing into infinity.



2. Relax and cuddle with your loved one at JW Marriott spa

If you are a couple who loves relaxation and pampering, you cannot miss a day at the Goco Spa at the luxurious JW Marriott hotel. It is located on Isola delle Rose, a private island whose year of birth is even known: 1870. Situated halfway between the lagoon and the sea, today it hosts the luxurious JW Marriott of the namesake hotel chain and offers an unparalleled view of the Venetian skyline. With its early 20th-century style architecture, the Goco Spa is the largest wellness center in Venice and features eight cabins, a splendid suite, a sauna and bio-sauna, a hammam, a gym, and a magnificent heated indoor and outdoor pool. 



@ JW Marriott


3. Experience together a private gondola ride

What could be more romantic than a gondola ride at sunset through the magical canals of Venice, with the city's lights starting to come on and the sky turning red?
robably nothing. So why not take advantage and bring your soulmate to explore the most enchanting views of the city directly from the water? You could even add a red rose of love, a piece of jewelry, or, why not, a romantic candlelit dinner on a small terrace overlooking the water. And after such an evening, with love serenades, the setting sun, a few glasses of wine, and delicious food, falling in love is guaranteed!





4. Climb on the Belvedere of the Scala Contarini del Bovolo

One of the hidden gems of Venice is the Scala Contarini del Bovolo, located halfway between Piazza San Marco and the Rialto Bridge. It is the most unique part of the namesake palace, built between the 14th and 15th centuries at the behest of the heir Pietro Contarini. In its charming late Gothic style, the spiral staircase (bovolo means "snail" in Venetian) has a certain romantic allure that becomes more pronounced as you ascend the steps and reach the upper Belvedere. Admission is paid and costs 8 euros.





5. Climb to the top of the San Giorgio Maggiore bell tower

Some say that the best view of Venice can only be enjoyed by climbing to the top of the famous St. Mark's Campanile and observing the city from a 360-degree vantage point. However, not everyone knows that it is possible to climb another bell tower, slightly less famous (despite being partially designed and built by Palladio), but offering perhaps an even more unique and romantic view of the city. Those who ascend the San Giorgio Maggiore bell tower on the island of Giudecca are treated to a breathtaking panorama, with the Doge's Palace, St. Mark's Square, and the St. Mark's Campanile in the foreground, the lagoon and the mainland in the background, and, on clear days, the Prealps silhouetted against the sky on the horizon.

To complete the experience, don't miss a bite at the brand new San Giorgio Café restaurant, which offers a modern yet cozy space with a view of the San Marco Basin, Riva degli Schiavoni, and the dock of the island of San Giorgio, and, of course, excellent food.
We just hope your significant other isn’t the jealous type because it’s absolutely impossible not to fall in love with such beauty.




6. Dine on a boat in the lagoon

After a long (and beautiful) day in Venice, spent admiring the beauty of its immense cultural heritage, you cannot miss a proper dinner, Venetian style, immersed in the majesty of the lagoon's natural heritage. Treat yourselves to a romantic dinner on a boat. You can savor the delicacies of Venetian cuisine prepared for you by expert staff, while sipping excellent wine. Holding your sweetheart's hand, you can watch the sun set beyond the horizon as the sky takes on fiery colors and the city lights up. Relax and enjoy the scenery.




7. Cross the Ponte delle Maravegie

Although it is certainly not the most beautiful and majestic bridge in Venice, what characterizes the Ponte delle Maravegie is the romantic and delicate legend behind its name.

"It is said that in the palace opposite the bridge lived seven sisters, six of whom were beautiful and one was ugly. One day, a young boatman, hoping to marry at least one of the six beautiful sisters, began to visit the palace frequently. However, soon something very curious began to happen: he started losing weight and became so weak that he could barely do his job. Eventually, he concluded that he had been bewitched by the ugly sister, Marina. To free himself from the curse, he decided to kill her. One day, he waited for the six beautiful sisters to leave the house and headed towards the palace. However, something very unusual happened on the bridge: suddenly, seven stars in the shape of a cart appeared in the night sky. Six of them went out, leaving only one, a very beautiful one. As if by magic, the boatman's gaze fell on the window of the ugly Marina's room, where she was kneeling in front of the Crucifix. At that moment, the boatman was overcome with a profound love for the young woman, and thus the bridge got its name, Ponte delle Maravegie, or the Bridge of Wonders".

A visit to the bridge then becomes essential. Who knows, you might find your soulmate there too.



@ Conoscere Venezia


8. Touch the red brick heart in the Sottoportego dei Preti

Another love legend is linked to a mysterious red brick heart located in the Sottoportego dei Preti, near the church of San Giovanni in Bragora in Castello.
"The story goes that in this area lived a fisherman named Orio who one day found a beautiful mermaid named Melusina caught in his nets. The two fell in love, but there was a problem: every Saturday, the young woman turned into a serpent. The only way to break the curse was for Melusina to get married. And so it was. Orio and Melusina married, had three children, and lived happily in their home for a few years. However, soon after, Melusina fell ill and died. Mysteriously, even though his wife was no longer there, the house was always in order. One day, Orio returned home to find a serpent, and, frightened, he killed it. From that day on, the house remained in disarray because the serpent Orio had killed was actually Melusina, who returned from the depths every day to help her family."

In memory of this beautiful and sad love story, the red brick heart was placed there, and it is said that whoever touches it will find love within a year. So why miss this chance? Maybe the legend will come true...





In conclusion, Venice is a city that enchants and fascinates, offering a perfect setting for unforgettable moments with the person you love. From sunset walks along the Fondamenta Zattere, to breathtaking views from the Scala Contarini del Bovolo and the bell tower of San Giorgio Maggiore, to romantic dinners on a boat and love legends that permeate every corner of the city, the opportunities to experience romantic moments are endless.

It doesn't matter if you're planning a romantic getaway, a honeymoon, or simply a special day with your significant other; Venice, with its unique atmosphere and timeless magic, will provide you with unforgettable emotions.





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