Visita guidata sotto le stelle all'Arsenale

Grazie ad un’iniziativa dell’Istituto di Studi Militari Marittimi anche in questo 2019, così come negli scorsi anni, sarà possibile visitare di sera l’antico Arsenale della Marina Militare di Venezia. L'iniziativa è organizzata in collaborazione con l'Associazione Amici dei Musei e Monumenti Veneziani e rinnova un appuntamento apprezzatissimo che dà alla cittadinanza la possibilità di ammirare la straordinaria cornice dell’Arsenale, resa ancor più suggestiva dalle luci della sera.

Brunch al Museo Correr di Venezia

Ogni prima e terza domenica del mese a partire da domenica 7 ottobre 2018.

A partire da domenica 7 ottobre le gustose specialità tipiche del Brunch, con un tocco di Made in Italy, saranno proposte tra le ore 10.30 e le 13.00 presso la caffetteria del Museo Correr da Ristoart. 

La ‘gustosa’ iniziativa - a cura di Ristoart, che ha in gestione le caffetterie dei Musei Civici Veneziani - proposta in un contesto unico e con vista mozzafiato su Piazza San Marco, è rivolta a tutto il pubblico e prevede, ogni prima e terza domenica del mese, speciali menù a 25 euro. 

ARSHILE GORKY: 1904 – 1948

Arshile Gorky: 1904 – 1948

8 maggio – 22 settembre 2019 Venezia, Ca’ Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna

A Ca’ Pesaro la prima retrospettiva italiana su questo artista considerato una delle figure chiave dell’arte americana del XX secolo.


"In Dante Veritas", personale dell'artista, imprenditore e filantropo russo Vasily Klyukin.

La mostra è visitabile a Venezia presso gli spazi dell'Arsenale Nord, Tesa 94, per tutta la durata della Biennale Arte, dall'8 maggio al 24 novembre 2019.

La mostra ha il patrocinio dello State Russian Museum di San Pietroburgo e del Comune di Venezia.



Exclusive Doge's Palace Guided Tour at Night

Why you should go

There is no need to say that the Doge's Palace is one of the most famous symbols of Venice, still evoking the glorious past of the Most Serene Republic.

During the day, thousands of tourists get in line to access the palace. But how about visiting this masterpiece after the sun goes down and crowds leave the city?

YUN HYONG-KEUN. A retrospective

Yun Hyong-keun (Cheongju 1928 – Seoul 2007) was one of the most important post-World War II Korean artists. His life was marked by his country’s troubled history: he was repeatedly imprisoned for his freedom of expression, and in 1950 he miraculously escaped a group execution by firing squad. Out of forty companions only he and four others survived.

I FORTUNY. Una storia di famiglia

To mark the seventieth anniversary of the death of Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo, and to coincide with the 58th edition of the Venice Biennale, Palazzo Fortuny will pay tribute to the versatile Spanish artist by highlighting the importance of the family context in his artistic development. For the first time, an exhibition will focus on both father and son: Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (1838-1874) and his son Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo (1871-1949).

Francesco Morosini: the last Serenissima's hero between history and myth

Four hundred years after the birth of Francesco Morosini, dubbed “the Peloponnesiacus” (1619-1694), several Venetian institutions are celebrating this fascinating figure, a doge and admiral. Museo Correr is the major venue since it preserves Morosini’s entire historical heritage from his palace in Campo Santo Stefano, inherited in 1895 by the last heir. The collection includes memorabilia, documents and works of art that reveal particular aspects of Morosini’s life and his historical significance.

Pittura Panorama

From May 7th to November 17th 2019 the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation and Venetian Heritage are pleased to announce at Palazzo Grimani an exhibition of Helen Frankenthaler’s paintings from the Foundation’s collection


From 10 May to 10 October 2019 Palazzo Grimani hosts Meyecelium, an exhibition of new works by Sandro Kopp.

Meyecelium is an exhibition of new work by Sandro Kopp.

Each painting is a portrait of a single eye of one of the artist’s friends and family, painted from life over the course of the past two-and-half years, surrounded with precious metals – gold, silver, platinum – that further ennoble the paintings and establish a relationship with image-making  traditions from ancient Egypt, to Byzantine icons, to the golden mosaics of Torcello and San Marco. 
