Per celebrare i cinquecento anni dalla morte di Leonardo da Vinci (1519-2019), le Gallerie dell'Accademia presentano la mostra “Leonardo da Vinci.

Dysfunctional - Ca' d'oro

DYSFUNCTIONAL is a new way to think about art.

DYSFUNCTIONAL knows art is what happens when artists engage with the world.

DYSFUNCTIONAL knows that too much time, too many words are spent demarcating where painting, poetry or sculpture end, and where utility or function begin.

DYSFUNCTIONAL knows these to be bound up together. To separate a single strand is to disassemble the whole.

DOMUS GRIMANI 1594 – 2019

From 7 May 2019 to 30 May 2021 at Palazzo Grimani the exceptional exhibition will be held, Domus Grimani 1594 – 2019, which celebrates, after more than four centuries, the return to Palazzo Grimani of the collection of classical statues belonged to the Patriarch of Aquileia Giovanni Grimani.

PAINTING LIGHT. Burano and its Painters

In the last century, Burano, the most ‘island-like’ of all the islands in the Venetian lagoon, became a highly inspirational setting for artists such as Gino Rossi, Umberto Moggioli and Pio Semeghini. The exhibition will present works by these painters and others, in which nature and landscapes take on a particular intensity as the brushstrokes physically dissolve to become the equivalent of light.


As part of the cycle of monographic shows dedicated to major contemporary artists, launched in 2012 and alternating with thematic exhibitions of the Pinault Collection, Palazzo Grassi presents Luc Tuymans’ first personal exhibition in Italy.

Curated by Caroline Bourgeois in collaboration with the artist (Mortsel, Belgium, 1958), the show is entitled ‘La Pelle’, after Curzio Malaparte’s 1949 novel. It includes over 80 works from the Pinault Collection, international museums and private collections, and focuses on the artist’s paintings from 1986 to today.


Punta della Dogana presents the exhibition ‘Luogo e Segni’, curated by Martin Bethenod, Director of Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana, and Mouna Mekouar, independent curator.

‘Luogo e Segni’ takes its title from a painting by Carol Rama included in the exhibition. The show brings together over one hundred works, by thirtysix artists, that establish a particular relationship with their urban, social, political, historical, intellectual setting.


Eighteenth-century Venice with its lights and shadows unfolds through the rooms of Palazzo Ducale, in the story of an extraordinary century and its protagonist: Giovanni Antonio Canal, Canaletto. This was a period of great complexity and value, of excellence in the fields of painting, sculpture and decorative arts. From its beginning, the eighteenth century showed itself to be a century of enormous vitality and great changes: in the language of art, in the history of ideas and techniques, in social life.

La Basilica di San Marco sotto le stelle: visita serale

Non c'è bisogno di dire che la Basilica di San Marco è uno dei simboli di Venezia, fulcro della vita religiosa e pubblica della città e luogo ove venivano consacrati i dogi. Durante il giorno, migliaia di turisti spendono ore in fila per accedervi. Ma com'è visitare questo capolavoro dopo che il sole è sceso e le folle hanno lasciato la città?
La Basilica di San Marco aprirà le sue porte alle anime che desidereranno vivere davvero il lato più profondo di Venezia.


L'ultima crociata. Francesco Morosini nella storiografia della Serenissima

La mostra si iscrive nell'ambito delle celebrazioni dei 400 anni dalla nascita di Francesco Morosini il Peloponnesiaco, che vedono un'ampia collaborazione fra le istituzioni culturali veneziane, la Marina Militare e la Guardia di Finanza per la realizzazione di pubblicazioni, convegni ed esposizioni sulla figura del Capitano da Mar nel quadro della storia politica e militare veneziana del XVII secolo.
